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Travel Goals Podcast

Aug 27, 2020

Wonder what travel was like back in the 1960s? We talk about Peru and the Peace Corps in the 1960s with author and traveller Evelyn LaTorre.

Between Inca Walls: A Peace Corps Memoir, is a beautiful tale that documents Evelyn’s time with the Peace Corps in Peru at a time when women travelling to far-flung destinations was nowhere near as common as it is today.

In this colourful memoir, Evelyn learns to appreciate each culture she encounters. An early sheltered life in rural Montana, a move to California at sixteen, and two years in the Peace Corps in Peru where she meets her now-husband. It’s certainly a vivid and entertaining read for travel lovers.

On this Episode, Evelyn talks about her travels across 100 countries, reminisces about her time in Peru and discusses how travel has changed now.

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